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Membership Information

Our Annual membership rates last went up - and down! - in 2013. This was for the first time, since we were founded in 2005, maintaining excellent value despite postage almost doubling during this time!

You Can Now Join Online using PayPal, credit or debit cards. You can still send us a cheque if you prefer!

Individual/Family Membership

This is Individual or Family Membership - add a donation?

Corporate Membership

This is Corporate Membership - add a donation?

With effect from the membership year April 2013 to April 2014 (or similar dates in subsequent years), will be £5 for Individual Adults and £12 for Organisations and Groups. We also now offer a new Family membership, which is also £5.00 per year. Any overpayment you send will be taken as a donation.

If you are already a member, or want to tell a friend about us, why not download our brochure incorporating our new Membership Form? The brochure was last updated in November 2014



Web design and content (C) 2009-15 SuzyScott and BABUS. To download the documents on this page, you will require Adobe Acrobat Reader, or an alternative PDF viewer.